trees as lungs
The connection between our lungs and trees, in looks and action, is why I use tree branches to represent my own situation, my damaged lungs, how I feel about it, my environment, how it affects me, what will save me, and how I might represent all of that. This thing that is invisible inside me that is so closely connected to the outside world. When the trees burn I feel their pain, for I cannot breathe.
This work represents how I feel my lungs are at the moment – not so good. This is me, now.
For context, I created this work in 2019 at a time when NSW and much of Australia was experiencing devastating bush fires. I have a lung condition called bronchiectasis so the airways in my lungs are damaged, in my case caused by ABPA (allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis – try saying that when you're tipsy, or even when you're not!). During this period I had several long running chest infections and pneumonia and life was a constant struggle. Several years later, with good management of my lungs, things are much better. If I were to do this again right now, I would probably choose a lighter, more cheerful colour.